So I spent the first part of Friday morning hung over in Harvey Walker’s bed. I had waaaaay too many beers at the Eagle (thanks beer bust) and that double shot of PatronI did with Samuel, Alessio, Chris P, and Adam contributed to my hangover. I tried to get more sleep but it was difficult with a pounding headache and awful heartburn. I decided to get up and get us some waters and some Tylenol to help out with how shitty we felt. I struggled putting on my clothes, found my sunglasses, grabbed the room key, and headed for the streets. Both Harvey’s hotel and mine are in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco. The Tenderloin happens to be my favorite area in San Francisco. I love all the insanely diverse habitants that squalor all over the streets. Lots of crackheads, fat prostitutes, Jesus freaks, bums, Tranny prostitutes etc. Pretty much my kinda place. I also love the Tenderloin because there are sooooo many cool dive bars and great restaurants all over the place. :P
Once I walked out on the streets I swear my equilibrium was totally off. I was still dizzy drunk from the debauchery from last night. I walked with great concentration to try and find any liquor store. Thankfully, the Tenderloin has a liquor store on every corner so it wasn’t too hard to find a place. Once I got back to Harvey’s room I jumped back into bed and tried to get some more sleep. I had time to kill since I couldn’t check into my hotel until noon. I lied on Harvey’s bed thinking back at all the cool shit that happened the night before. To be honest, I was pretty fucked up but I was totally coherent and functional. Which is fuckin rare when I get fucked up. Especially when I’m on vacation. I guess I’m getting better at pacing myself and getting wasted?
Once noon rolled around I said bye to Harvey and headed to my hotel room. I once again stayed at the Motel 6 on Geary and Larkin. I don’t care how many times people talk shit about Motel 6 but the Motel 6 in the Tenderloin is pretty BAD ASS! It’s in a perfect spot in the Tenderloin with Gangway, the local gay dive bar right across the street from the hotel! Oh yeah, a FREE hotel room for 4 days aint too shabby either right? Once I checked in my room wasn’t clean yet. The maid was cleaning it up as I walked in the door. The maid smiled at me and let me in the room. I told her that I didn’t care about the mess in the room (the room wasn’t even that messy) and she let me go inside and leave my stuff in the room. She had finished making one bed so I put my shit in the closet area and walked over to the bed. I asked her if it was cool if I just chilled while she cleaned up the rest of the room. The maid was pretty chill and smiled a bunch. She spoke Spanish so we were able to communicate and get into some great conversation. While she cleaned I unpacked. The televisions at the Motel 6 have a built in AM/FM radio station so the maid was listening to this station called EL RECUERDO. This station plays all the dope ass 70s, 80s, and 90s groups like Los Bukis, Juan Gabriel and shit. One of the jams that came on was from this band called Grupo Mojado. The song is called PIENSA EN MI. I remember listening to this song when I was growing up and I kept telling the maid how much I fuckin LOVED that song. I was all singing to it while I was putting my shit away and the maid kept giggling and smiling at me. The maid even complimented me on my singing. :P
Alright, lets get to the good shit shall we?
I wasn't planning on going to the GayVNs this year. I was just gonna go to the red carpet, take pics, wish everyone luck, then meet everyone at the GayVN Afterparty. Well, thanks to Zachary Sire from THE SWORD for hooking me up with a ticket to the show! It was so unexpected and awesome of Zach for doing this for me.

The Awards show was so much fun! Lots of fun moments and definitely some good highlights. Alec Mapa was a fantastic host! I remember when I was an undergrad I took a theater workshop class with him. He did a bunch of segments from his solo performance shows and seeing him host the GayVNs was totally fuckin cool.
I also got to meet performer Jiz Lee too! That shit was piiiiiiimp!!!! :P LOVE HER! :P

Lets talk about the GayVN AfterParty. That party was FANTASTIC! Thanks to a contest I won on The Sword I got to get myself and my BFF Honey into the VIP after party! I kept telling him that we were gonna be partying with the gay porn elite and it we were just being incredibly silly about it. The party also had free fuckin Vodka so my ass got fuckin DRUNK! Man, Honey and I danced the night away and socialized with pretty much every single porn star and personality in the biz. Chi Chi LaRue fuckin KILLED it in the DJ Booth. Everyone was having a great time. The energy in club was positive and people were just letting lose, kissing, drinking, sucking, laughing, and doing all kinds of freaky fun stuff every where.
Lets let the pictures explain for themselves! :P

One of the highlights of this weekend was meeting Mr. Pam. She was just so incredibly cool and fun as hell. It was such an honor being able to go completely bonkers with Pam while we danced on the dance floor and talked all kinds of madness throughout the whole night! :P

It's 2 in the am and I'm fuckin exhausted! Will post more pics and links tomorrow. I need me some sleep! :P
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